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Why Sydney in addition to Chennai and Bengaluru?

All through the Beta program of Onemyle, we kept experimenting across 3 cities - Chennai, Bengaluru and Sydney

Whenever we tell people about the pilot being done in 3 cities, the most common question we face is - Why Sydney?

With Onemyle, our plan is to be a one stop shop for all things neighbourhood. However, we are keen to know how neighbourhoods in India would differ from those in other countries. Which is why from Day 1 we started looking at localities in Sydney as a way of understanding what is common across countries and what is different.

Sample our local story on Condell Park in Sydney below. The same kind of stories you hear about Koramangala in India..

Look forward to posting more updates on Onemyle Sites and our go-to-market experience in the coming days..

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