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Typical Neighbourhood Promotions Of a Small Business

Around 2013, we were discussing Neighbourhood Promotions options for JustBooks.. We were executing some Offline promotions (hiring some students for the campaign and getting them to distribute Leaflets near Malls, big office blocks etc. We were also experimenting with some Online promotions like SEO, Social Media etc

One similarity stood out..

At a very abstract level, to get the attention of someone, the standard marketing nudges seem to be "Display" or "Push" or "Interactive" engagements.

Display marketing can be Banners in the offline world, Posters of Standees within a Store of a big Hoarding in a high street. In the Online world, these were Banners, Blogs, Short videos shown alongside news & other content or on social media.

Push marketing involve Leaflets or such handouts in the offline world, Mobile notifications or SMS messages or emails in the digital world

Interactive marketing mostly is Contests (or Gamifications) in the digital world or "Activations" at Malls or Apartments in the real world

Why are we talking about all this now? What does this mean in the context of Onemyle? We will discuss more in the coming weeks..

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