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Onemyle - Enterprise SaaS:: Local Campaigns

I wrote in an earlier post - about how Onemyle enables local businesses to analyse the 'reach' of their business in a locality.

An ideal next step to analysing reach is to plan marketing campaigns to improve penetration in sub-localities where the current reach is not adequate.

Onemyle makes it easy to plan and execute Local Campaigns because of its ready pool of local creators who keep sharing content relevant to neighbourhoods and are looking for opportunities for marketing from local businesses.

Onemyle also runs periodic local campaigns across various neighbourhoods and hence it is easy for a business to choose a local campaign and invite partners to promote specific messages in the campaign.

One of the insights I carry from participating in local campaigns for JustBooks (my earlier venture in local business) is that - in the real world, once in a while a neighbourhood or apartments get together for an event and they invite local businesses to setup food or other stalls to promote their products and services. We won't get to know of these local events unless invited by some resident or the organiser.

Participating in a real world event or campaign comes with its own overheads in terms of logistics (stall setup, crowd management, staffing etc) and the RoI would be suspect too.

There is no online equivalent of such local campaigns and Onemyle aspires to bring such local marketing campaigns online with the help of local creators to enable local businesses participate and benefit.

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