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Onemyle - Enterprise SaaS:: Local Reach

Updated: May 9

When you build a platform with multiple sides, one key design aspect is to arrive at the key value proposition or the USP of each side without taking into account the presence of the other sides.

With Onemyle, there are 3 sides to the platform - Onemyle Creators, Onemyle Businesses and Onemyle Users. While it is tempting to start with use-cases or user-journeys that connect all 3 sides, I feel, it is equally important to address the requirements of each side independently.

Onemyle Enterprise (one of the three sides of the platform) is a SaaS product (that can also be deployed on Private cloud or On-Prem for large enterprises) for Hyperlocal digital promotions.

As shown in the (mockup) image below, "Hyperlocal Reach Analysis" is a good starting point for businesses to analyse their current penetration at a sub-locality level on a month-on-month basis and device marketing campaigns to improve growth in specific pockets.

Instead of city-level marketing campaigns, Onemyle now allows businesses to plan and execute locality and sub-locality level marketing campaigns to identity and penetrate specific pockets in a city.

When I ran JustBooks as a local library, one of the things that I enjoyed doing was generating a heat map of the member base of one library to see how many customers signed up for the service from which part of the neighbourhood and which part of the neighbourhood was under-serviced by the library. Subsequent local marketing efforts used to be driven by this insight.

With Onemyle, we are extending that capability for all local businesses.

'Locality Reach' analysis is one key feature of Onemyle SaaS product. 'Locality Campaigns' is the other feature that I will share in another post.

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