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Sydney Story or Haymarket Story - How does one define local news?

Updated: Mar 7

One of the challenges of being a hyperlocal platform is that a story that may be of interest to people across a city still needs to be tagged a locality and delivered to only those people who care to follow the locality for updates. Local news can be defined as city-level news or suburb level news.

When we create a story like below of "Lunar Festival", we still need to take care to tag the story to a locality and not make it applicable to all of Onemyle Sydney users by default.

The downside to this approach is that some very familiar events in the city may take longer to get discovered on Onemyle (unless the users follow the localities where these popular events take place). However, the positive side of this is that it helps to keep the focus on being a hyperlocal platform which is more granular than a city.

Lunar Festival at Haymarket

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