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BNI for Apartments or LinkedIn for Small Businesses

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

I have come across BNI Network on multiple occasions during my JustBooks journey and people who have been members have encouraged me to attend one of their meetings to get a sense of their usefulness

I have not yet attended though I have read about them and often felt intrigued by slogans like 'Givers Gain'

At Onemyle, one of the thoughts that we have experimented with often is the idea of creating "LinkedIn for Small Businesses" driven by locality as the connecting factor across businesses.

We feel there is some overlap or similarity between this idea of a Locality network of Small Businesses and some aspects of a BNI Chapter

While BNI Chapters have specific goals and structures, a SME Network within a locality can be more open and flexible.

In future posts we will discuss more on SME Network within a locality.

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