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Join our Onemyle Beta Program

Yay! So our Beta program is live now..

Please visit us at to join.

As we rollout the program, three things that we look to achieve at the end of this program:

  1. How friendly is the App to navigate, discover and use features. We intend to iterate over the next 3 months on the usage patterns and keep fine tuning the user journeys in the App

  2. What do people have to say about the usefulness of this App in their lives? Before reaching this stage, we have spoken to a 100 people on various use-cases and designed the App based on those conversations (in addition to strongly felt personal needs). It would be interesting to know what the new set of users have to say about the purpose behind the App as they see it. We will collect this feedback through our in-app feedback forms

  3. Is there a viral element in the App? Do people feel like sharing the information in the App with other people?

As we end this countdown leading up to our Beta launch, we hope to start a new countdown soon leading upto our GA launch (tentative Sep 2022).

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