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GARI Tokens - Equity + DAO!

There was this (behind paywall) article on Chingari on The Morning Context that I found pretty interesting.

There is a reference to the governance structure that attempts to create a balance between Equity investors and DAO community..

To quote from the article:

So now, any transaction happening on Chingari will be happening through GARI tokens; there is an agreement for that. Inherently, this value will flow to the GARI treasury and the GARI ecosystem, and some of it will flow to the Chingari balance sheet. Otherwise, the equity business investors will kill us. So, we have to strike a balance between the two. Anything that happens on Chingari is through GARI tokens and we take a 3% fee. Let’s say your video becomes an NFT and you list it on the GARI marketplace. Somebody buys it for a million dollars; we get 3% of that. Now, half of this 3% goes to the GARI treasury and half goes to the Chingari balance sheet. There is an equilibrium this way and the value is truly decentralized on the DAO side.

While this post is not to comment on Gari specifically, wondering if it is a good idea to combine Equity investors with community funded business opportunities..

Based on my experience with JustBooks where we have Equity investors in the back end company and Franchise owners running individual outlets, it was never easy finding a good balance and eventually you have to settle down to creating a hierarchy that puts one (Equity for example) ahead of the other (Community investors).

Will be interesting to see how this plays out with Chingari/Gari..

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