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Fail Fast Fail Often Vs While->Next() Iterations

Like everyone else, I have grown up with my share of inputs from various sources on how Fail Fast & Often is an useful idea to carry along..

But over the years, my experience - first with JustBooks and later with Onemyle has also taught me the importance of Iterations till you exhaust all reasonable options.

For some time now, I have been looking for a book that talks about While->next() (iterate-till-null) approach to exploring ideas.

Three things than can define this While->next() approach is that it would:

:: exclude pivots (you need to loop on the same iterator and not switch iterators themselves)

:: break & continue (it is normal to break out but a restart has to be planned to avoid repeating already exhausted iterations)

:: remain thread-safe in iterations. avoid concurrent processing to maximise learning

Leaving this post as a marker here for me to update if I find an interesting book or article on this..

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